====== Groceries ======
===== Local Markets =====
This is a list of grocery stores located in East Lansing, Haslett, Okemos, and Williamston.
^ Name ^Type ^Local Store Location(s) ^Website ^Notes ^
|Aldi |Specialty |Okemos, Lansing | | |
|Better Asian Mart |Specialty (Asian) |East Lansing | | |
|Campbell's Market Basket |Specialty |East Lansing | | |
|D&W Fresh Market |Traditional |Williamston | | |
|Foods for Living |Specialty |East Lansing | |Closed in 2024 |
|Fresh International Market |Specialty (Asian) |East Lansing |[[https://freshimarket.com/|External Link]] | |
|Fresh Thyme |Specialty |East Lansing | | |
|Gordon's Food Service Store |Specialty |Okemos, Lansing |[[https://gfsstore.com|External Link]] | |
|Kroger |Traditional |East Lansing, Okemos, etc. | | |
|Lotte Market |Specialty (Asian) |Okemos |[[https://www.lotteokemos.com/|External Link]] | |
|Meijer |Big Box |Okemos, Lansing, etc. |[[http://www.meijer.com|External Link]] | |
|Mert's Meats |Specialty (Meat) |Okemos |[[https://mertsspecialtymeats.com/|External Link]] | |
|Monticello's Market & Butcher Block |Specialty |Haslett |[[https://monticellosmarket.com/|External Link]] | |
|Swadesh Food Mart |Specialty |Okemos | | |
|Target |Big Box |East Lansing, Okemos, etc. |[[http://www.target.com|External Link]] | |
|The Local Epicurean |Specialty (Pasta) |East Lansing | |opening soon |
|Tom's Food Center |Traditional |Okemos | | |
|Trader Joe's |Specialty |East Lansing |[[https://www.traderjoes.com/|External Link]] | |
|Walmart |Big Box |Okemos | | |
|Whole Foods |Specialty |East Lansing |[[https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/|External Link]] | |
===== Specialty Markets in Lansing =====
^ Name ^Type ^Local Store Location(s) ^Website ^Notes ^
|1910 Food Market |Specialty (Meat) |Lansing |N/A | |
|Alharamain Halal Market |Specialty (Halal) |Lansing | | |
|American International Bulk Food |Specialty |Lansing |[[https://www.facebook.com/americaninternationalbulkfood/|External Link]] | |
|Better Health Market & Cafe |Specialty |Lansing | | |
|Don Pancho |Specialty |Lansing | | |
|Global Food Market |Specialty |Lansing |[[https://www.facebook.com/globalfoodmarket79|External Link]] | |
|Gorman's Food Market |Specialty |Lansing | | |
|Great Giant Supermarket |Traditional |Lansing | | |
|Halal Meats & Grocery |Specialty |Lansing | | |
|Horrock's Farm Market |Specialty |Lansing | | |
|International Market One |Specialty (Middle Eastern) |Lansing |[[https://www.facebook.com/p/International-market-one-100071066557662/|External Link]] | |
|International Food Mart |Specialty |Lansing |[[https://www.facebook.com/Internationalfoodmart/|External Link]] | |
|IWACU Supermarket |Specialty |Lansing |[[https://www.facebook.com/KIFMINTERANTIONAL/|External Link]] | |
|Lansing Ethnic Food & Halal Meat |Specialty (Middle Eastern) |Lansing | | |
|LLB Asian Market |Specialty (Asian) |Lansing | | |
|Naing Myanmar International Grocery |Specialty |Lansing |[[https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094054358585|External Link]] | |
|Queen Market |Specialty (Halal) |Lansing | | |
|Supermercado La Estrellita |Specialty |Lansing | | |
|Triple E International Market |Specialty (African/Caribbean) |Lansing |[[https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556466114418|External Link]] | |
|Westlund's Apple Market |Specialty |Lansing | | |
===== Farmer's Markets =====
coming soon
===== Local Farms =====
coming soon