Okemos Wiki

a wiki for the Okemos, MI local area

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About This Wiki

Quick Note From the Moderator

Hello! Welcome to the Okemos Wiki. When my family and I moved to Okemos in 2017, we found so many things to love about the area. It was sometimes difficult, however, to find the stuff that we were looking for, because not everything is available online. Despite living here for many years, I am still regularly finding new resources to add to my lists, so I decided to start posting some of my lists on this wiki as a reference.

This is not Wikipedia, so the information on this site will be less formal, but it is important to me that the wiki maintains a neutral point of view 1). I will post a list of guidelines if the need arises. Additionally, this is a free site, so no individual nor organization can pay to be on a list or show up in a certain position on a list. For the most part, lists will be alphabetical, unless it makes more logical sense for the list to be organized otherwise. When lists are broken up by city, however, Okemos will often be listed first because this is an okemos-based site.

In the spirit of wikis (which are meant to be collaborative), I will soon be inviting others to help me build this wiki by adding new lists and/or updating mine. If you are interested, please email me for more info. It's okay if you don't know how to use the formatting syntax; I can either show you how or edit it later. If you have any other suggestions, comments, edits, ideas for lists, etc., please email me those as well! Thanks!

Your neighbor,

Q & A

Why a wiki and not a regular website or blog?

By definition, a wiki is a website that allows for collaborative editing, so while other members of this site do not yet have editing permissions, I plan on adding that feature in the future.

wiki.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/20 12:11 by shinytech

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